Friday, June 27, 2014

Day 7..

Day 7: Enchantment: What is your favorite fairy tale, story, fable, or myth? Who is your favorite character, and why? What elements of the story enchant your mind?
I love anything that can enchant my mind, especially a fairy tale.
I've always loved to read stories and watch movies about fairy tales.
They bring me to a place that I have never been before..
They allow you to find a part of yourself that you may have once lost, or you have yet to find.
I love the magic I feel when I really get into a good fairy tale..
Let's get real..I cannot pick just one..
Actually, anything enchanting strikes my interest
We should always be searching for some sort of magic and enchantment in our lives..
Most of the time it's nothing outside of us, but within our beings.
Fairy tales remind me that it is okay to be different..
It's okay to stand out and stand up for what you believe in.
It is okay to follow your heart..
It's okay to be curious and go searching for what you thought you would never find..
You have to believe in yourself and in the magic that life holds.
I'm talking about finding the essence in all of the little things in life..
If you don't believe that there is good in people, then you will never find it.

<3 Shay
And above all watch with glittering eyes the world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Day 6..

Day 6: Music: Pick three of your favorite songs. Write a paragraph about the feelings they bring to you. Do you feel contentment, peace, encouragement, or determination?
1. Push: Matchbox 20
The lyrics in this song bring back a lot of emotions when I hear it. It reminds me of different ways I have felt before. Not just with a guy, but with people in general.
Never feeling good enough, but being pushed around to be so..
2. Broken: Lifehouse
This is such a powerful song in itself, without me putting a meaning behind it.
I have had a time in my life where I felt completely broken and totally un-fixable.
I felt hopeless and almost to the point where I wanted to give up.
I relate the part of the song where desperation speaks through, to my relationship with God.
As low as I was, I still knew in my heart that I needed to reach out to God for help.
Even though I was experiencing pain, it seemed to be a part of the healing process.
Even though I may doubt many things in my life and myself a lot, it's part of the process.
I'm damaged and just trying to mend the broken pieces.
This song reminds me of the darkest times of my life, but reminds me that no matter how dark my life was, God was still there for me.
Even though I still feel a little broken, I just have to remember that sometimes it takes awhile to find all the little pieces.
In all the times that I feel alone and lost my way..I know that I will never forget my way back.
I just have bigger mountains to climb..
3The Road and the Radio: Kenny Chesney
I'm constantly searching for something that i'm missing..
I'm constantly trying to figure out who I am..
"Clarity and inspiration, happiness is a destination that's hard to find, may take some time..but in my mind there is something more"
The chorus of the song speaks my life more than any other song I have ever heard..
I believe one hundred percent that happiness is a destination..It doesn't just come easy.
Life is hard and it throws a lot of curve balls, it's not always easy to stay happy.
Personally I have been looking for true happiness for a long time..
I'm still not quite there, but i'm working on it.
I know in my mind that out there, one day..I will achieve my goals, follow my dreams, and reach true happiness..
"I'll get there leaning on some friends I know..the road and the radio"
In my life I have experienced a lot of loneliness.
I have had to rely on myself for many things in my life..
A lot of my problems, feelings, emotions, etc, have had to be pushed aside because I felt like I was left alone..
I have relied on the "road and the radio" to get me through a lot of things.
When people ask me why music is so important to's because it became my friend when no one else was there.
 It spoke for me when I had no words.
 It guided me and helped me make some of the biggest decisions I have ever made.
When I need a friend, someone to talk with, or just someone to listen..I want to get into a car and drive.
Some of the best times I have spent with friends have been just driving. talking, and listening to music..
"Happiness is a destination"
That's the destination I am on, but sometimes it's just hard to find.
<3 Shay

perfectly imperfect

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Day 5..

Day 5: Memories: What are some of your most cherished memories? Did these events create a significant impact on your life today?
Of course there are so many memories that I could mention about friends, family, or just experiences I have had..
But some of my most cherished memories are the memories I have from some of my college years with my friends..
I would have to say my sophomore year was the best year I had while in school..
I lived with two of my best friends and let me tell you what...we had a dang good time.
We spent every single day being so ridiculously stupid and laughing CONSTANTLY.
We became so close this year and learned so much about each other..
Aside from just being silly all the time, we spent a lot of our time really getting to know each other.
We spent so much time talking about our lives, our hopes, dreams, plans for the future, sharing experiences we've all been through, and lots of crying..
We learned so much about ourselves and each other..and we learned a lot about life and how important it is to have God in it with us.
I remember doing so many stupid/funny things with these two would take me hours to explain them all :)
We had this one week where it was like a major prank war..
We did so many things to each other and just laughed the whole way through.
We did some things we probably shouldn't have done...but learned along the way.
I have never been as happy as I was when I was with them.
Lately, I have forgotten what it's like to laugh like that..
The time I spent with those girls has really changed my life.
It was during those fun, amazing I learned what it truly means to feel alive.
I wouldn't trade that year or the time spent with those girls for anything..
They mean so much to me, along with many other people...
but most definitely hold a special place in my heart..
Those girls are now my family..
<3 Shay

Only a couple of those friends in my life...

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Day 4..

Day 4: Possessions: What is your most prized possession? Why do you value it? How did you come across it?
I don't really have just one thing that I prize the most..
I have a couple of things that mean a lot to me and I hope never to lose: my dad's handkerchief and a ring given to me by my parents.
My dad, as some may already know..passed away in 2006.
It was a very hard time for my family and I.
I'm not one to keep a lot of possessions for keepsake, but this I have had since the day he passed.
I don't ever plan to get rid of it..
Every time I see it, it reminds me of the great man that I lost..
It makes me miss him, but yet reminds me of my love for him and his for me.
The ring I got from my parents one year for Christmas..
It is called a daughter's ring. 
I think I got it in 2004 maybe? I'm pretty sure I was 12 or 13 years old.
It has my birthstone in the middle with my parents birthstones on each side.
It's a beautiful ring..
I love it and always keep it put away.
I value my ring because I know the meaning behind it.
My parents always have done so much for me and tried to provide for me in the best way possible.
I couldn't ask for better parents..
Other items that I value very much, are photos of my family and friends..
I love to flip through picture books and remind myself of all the amazing memories we've had.
Word of advice: Always take lots of pictures!
Pictures give you the ability to captivate a memory in the stillness of a moment..
You can only regret the ones that you didn't take..
<3 Shay
Missing someone is your heart's way of reminding you that you love them. Instead of being sad choose to think about the good memories and all the joy you shared.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Day 3..

Day 3: History: What stories do you know about your ancestors? What traits do you admire in them? What do you want future generations to remember about you? What do you want to be known for?
To be honest, I really don't know much about my ancestors.
I would absolutely love to know more, I just haven't had that opportunity..
I do know that I am mostly Irish and Native American.
My personality probably shows more Native American than Irish, but who knows.
I haven't done a lot of research so I can't really say where all my traits are from..
I'm a very go with the flow kinda gal..
I can be stubborn..just depends on the situation..
I'm kind of OCD when it comes to my stuff, where it goes, and how I clean
I like having a routine and I don't like things to be out of gives me stability
I love socializing; spending time among family, friends, and meeting new people..
I love anything and everything in nature..
I love all animals..
Beer: love the smell, hate the taste. (I guess I'm not good at being Irish haha)
I am very in touch with the spiritual side of life..
I totally believe in Meditation and I think it is essential in everyday life..
I'm not saying every day you have to kumbaya next to a fire, but just to meditate in your own different ways.
Sometimes being silent and just listening to the earth, the water, or just looking at the stars can bring so much more peace to your soul..It can calm your mind and help you choose the right path..
Biggest advice for future generations to remember..
Be yourself..don't let anyone ever take that away from you.
I spent a lot of time in my life being who others wanted or expected me to be.
I spent so much time comparing myself to others and not being who I am...that's a big waste of time.
It's so important to voice your opinion and be true to who you are.
Everyone deserves to live a life of harmony and inner peace..
Do what makes YOU happy, not others.
Always put God first..
No matter who comes in or out of your life, no matter how hard life gets, and no matter how far you may feel from him.
He's never too far away..he's just waiting for you to seek him.
Always try to love others.
Everyone is fighting a battle that we may not know about.
Consider that when you want to hurt another person; physically, emotionally, or verbally.
Life is hard, but don't let that stop you from living it and following your heart.
Sometimes the right path to choose isn't always the easiest..

"Listen with your will understand"
                                                    -Grandmother Willow

<3 Shay
Pocahontas quote tattoo on my side #ribtattoo

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Day 2..

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Day 2: Happiness:What is your own secret for happiness? How did you get there? If you had to sum everything up, what would be your one word to describe how to be truly happy?
I am not completely sure if I have my own secret for happiness.
Over the years I have developed ways to bring happiness to myself.
I have observed so many others, read many words, and sought out a lot of advice for the sake of my own happiness.
I have definitely learned that happiness doesn't always come so easy.
I'm not saying it's always hard, because there are many little things that contribute to obtaining pure happiness, but sometimes being stuck in an unhappy rut can be hard to get out of.
Not many people may know, but like many others I too have suffered from harsh unhappiness in a very dark part of my life..
Happiness is a habit, and at that time the only habit I had was to think negatively.
I let anxiety, sadness, and pain steal my happiness..
I generally have always been seen as a happy person, but that was not always the case. 
I have definitely came a long way from the darkest part of my life, but if I was to say that I was 100% happy and satisfied in my life...well I would most certainly not be telling the truth.
I am happy, but there is still a lot of work to do.
And I'm okay with that..It's part of life and part of being human.
True happiness only occurs in moments..It's not just something you find and then get to keep in little safe box forever.
You have to strive for it and seek it daily.
Don't let negative things or people enter your mind or your life and take's not worth it (trust me)
I think the simple things in life bring the most happiness..
I would say the most simple thing you can do...alone or with thousands of other Laugh.
Laughter brings joy to your spirit and can lift you up out of your toughest times.
I love makes me feel so alive and in the moment.
Laugh when no one is around.
Laugh when you are sad.
Laugh when you are happy.
Laugh at YOURSELF! (this is my fav, haha)
Laugh at other people..well with them would be nicer :)
Laughter is the best medicine..and guess what??? It's free..and so are you.
So laugh whenever YOU feel like it..

<3 Shay

Friday, June 6, 2014

Day 1..

Day 1: Branding: What single word describes your personality? How does it affect you as a writer? Are you whimsical, gregarious, or fierce?

In my life I like a lot of variety.
Most people consider me a well-rounded person because I am very easy to please.
It's not difficult for me to click with others, because I feel that no matter what I share at least one interest with everyone..
There are so many things in life that I love...I can't even pick a favorite anything.
For example: I absolutely love music and on a day to day basis I probably listen to about every genre.
They may change based on my mood, but just about everything satisfies me.
One minute I'm listening to the Beatles, peace signing everyone in the office like I'm a dang hippie, to headbanging to Pantera or old school Whitesnake. 
Gosh the other day at work my co-worker and I went from basically crying to Everytime by Britney Spears to rapping Tupac lyrics.
Let's get love for music will never change.
On a daily basis I change my career choice.
I can't even count the number of times I've said, "oh my gosh I should've been a..."
For real..I have went from wanting to be a child star on the TV show Zoom to every other possible career choice there is out there.
In my life, I feel as if I am always changing.
No matter what it is; fashion, decor, ideas, career choices, my mind...underwear. ha ha 
But seriously..we are all constantly changing.
It's part of life..and let's just say, I keep my mind occupied.
I like helps relight the fire in my life and shakes things up a bit.
Now I'm not saying that I'm irresponsible, or can't make major decisions..because trust me I have to make plenty of those. 
I just like to keep life exciting..

When it comes to my writing, I also like to give it variety.
I like so many different things in life and I want to talk about all of those things..
I want to keep my writing alive and free to go wherever I want it to go.
I want it to always have a little flare that gives people the incentive to read more..
Words are such an amazing way to express yourself. 
There are never enough of them, but yet you will never run out.
Words are timeless..
<3 Shay
Oh dear me, it's like someone just described me.  The right beautiful words can create the most incredible feeling.  They don't have to be necessarily eloquent; they just need to be said.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

10 Day Blog Challenge..

★ Constantly challenge yourself - try the 30 day #PlaceboChallenge for happiness, focus, weight loss, or life purpose goals.
Okay, I have always always struggled with challenging myself.
Until this year, I have never stuck with any challenges I've made for myself, or have reached any major goals.
This past New Year's Eve (so predictable right?)...I made a pact with myself to actually make some major changes in my life..
I promised myself many things that I would accomplish and I am so far, holding myself to them.
One of the biggest goals that I set for myself...was to launch my blog. Check!!
Like I said in previous posts, I have wanted to do this for many years now..
I decided to set a goal within a goal..
Not only do I want to succeed in many other things in my life, I want to succeed here on my page.
I am challenging myself to a 10 day blog challenge..
I picked a challenge that really makes me think about the words I share, the reasons, and meanings behind them.
Maybe I'll learn some new things about myself along the way..

<3 Shay

Starting tomorrow:
Day 1: Branding: What single word describes your personality? How does it affect you as a writer? Are you whimsical, gregarious, or fierce?
Day 2: Happiness:What is your own secret for happiness? How did you get there? If you had to sum everything up, what would be your one word to describe how to be truly happy?
Day 3: History: What stories do you know about your ancestors? What traits do you admire in them? What do you want future generations to remember about you? What do you want to be known for?
Day 4: Possessions: What is your most prized possession? Why do you value it? How did you come across it?
Day 5: Memories: What are some of your most cherished memories? Did these events create a significant impact on your life today?
Day 6: Music: Pick three of your favorite songs. Write a paragraph about the feelings they bring to you. Do you feel contentment, peace, encouragement, or determination?
Day 7: Enchantment: What is your favorite fairy tale, story, fable, or myth? Who is your favorite character, and why? What elements of the story enchant your mind?
Day 8: Fears: No spiders or horror films. What truly scares you that brings out human emotion? Why does it make you fearful? How would you confront your worst fear?
Day 9: Heroes: Outside of your family, who is your hero? Why do you idolize them? How do you perceive them differently from others?
Day 10: You: What makes you think you're so special? A little harsh, I know. But what do you see in yourself? Tell the truth. Don't describe what others say about you. Become completely vulnerable. What characteristics do you hide from the ones you love?

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Bucket List..

"She is just some wild thing. Let her laugh, live, love, and roam free on her own terms, and she is sure to come back to you"
We are free to live our lives how we desire...why not do the things that our hearts desire..

Aside from just writing this for my blog, I have also wanted to write a bucket list since like...FOREVER!
I don't how many times friends and I have gone back and forth talking about bucket lists; crazy things we want to do, people we want to meet, and places we want to see.
I have talked so many times about making one, but never took the time to actually do it...until now :) (obviously).. is just a few of the big things I would like to add to my bucket me if I shared everything...we'd be here for days..

One of the first things I have said for THE longest time that I have wanted to to
-Go Skydiving-
I remember flipping through my history book in Elementary school, just looking at the pictures of course...haha who really reads those things?! Anyway..I saw a picture of a bunch of people, holding hands, in a circle, just floating in the air. I was so intrigued..I just knew right then that some day I would also have to do the same thing.
-Go on a spontaneous road trip-
Countless..upon countless times I have talked with my best friend about taking a road trip
At first it was just somewhere relatively close, or even just to the normal vaca spots that people pick.
Now..that I am above and beyond sick of never being able to go somewhere--I would be happy with anywhere. Quite frankly, I just want to get in the car and drive. I don't really care where we end up, but I just want to get out of town and Drive..
-Swim with dolphins-
Well duh, who doesn't want to do this.
They are some of the most amazing creatures on Earth.
-Meet John Mayer-
Okay, I'm going to try to be brief with sharing my love for this man.
HA..but really, it's the music that gets me.
It's a feeling I can't explain..when I hear his music, it's like my soul just soaks it in like a sponge.
It my soul music.
I think if I ever got to meet him, I would probably just want to thank him for sharing his talent and for allowing his music to change my life <3
-Scuba dive/swim with sharks-
Let's get real..I spent most of my life pretending I was part mermaid..
Now if I truly decide to swim with sharks..let's just hope they make adult size "little swimmers" because I would probably be (excuse me)..pooing myself.
I mean it would be one heck of an experience..
-Learn how to surf-
I am obsessssssed with surfing
I think it is one of the most amazing things created in this world...and I am completely jealous of all the gnarly "dudes" out there with awesome cutbacks.
I bet there is no greater feeling than being able to ride a big wave and to just be one with the water..
(I blame Blue Crush..all their fault)
-Write a book-
I just want to share my life with the world..
There is a whole lot more to me than what most people know.
I don't share too many intimate parts of my life with many people, because sometimes it's just hard to trust others
..but one day I hope I can build up enough courage to write it all down and share it with the world
-Cliff jump in Greece-
Okay, so I came up with this one when Sisterhood of the traveling pants 2 came out, but it still counts!
I was so amazed at the beautiful water in Greece and how exhilarating it must feel to just let loose and live in the moment.
I want to take a big jump like that and live in the moment..
-Attach a lock to the "Love locks Bridge" in Paris-
Corny I know...but it's going to happen!!
And last, but definitely not least..overall  I just want to
 Anywhere and everywhere...I want to see the world and everything in it..

P.S.- Feel free to share any of your favorite bucket list ideas or things that you have crossed off of your own list!
<3 Shay

Monday, June 2, 2014


Live an inspired life! #Free2Luv ♥
Ever since I was a young girl I have constantly felt like I was a free spirit...a gypsy soul trapped in an ordinary life..
Even as a little girl I felt misunderstood.
Life always seemed so predictable and dull to the people around me..
No one in my life made me feel inspired or excited to dream.
As a young girl, gosh even as a young adult...dreaming meant the world to me.
It gave me a sense of hope..
Hope that "One day" I will actually be able to wake up, live, and actually follow my heart into the life that I was made to live.
I've always been a big dreamer..there's nothing wrong with that right?
Well...according to a lot of the people in my life, dreams as big as mine...don't come true.
Especially for people who are from in this town just stays the same.
Things aren't exciting here, and not a lot of people like change.
Me...I love change.
Even though I am a worrier...I still do truly love not knowing what tomorrow may bring.
It's so exciting to think that anything can happen, for the good. 
If every person went to bed at night thinking..."What difference can I make in one person's life tomorrow?"...and actually did it- the world would be a different place.
I just don't believe that we are here to just exist..we are here to change the world and to really LIVE life.
We aren't here to just build fancy houses, buy lots of things to put in them, get married, have kids, and eventually pass on...
we are here to wake up and live..
I feel as if so many people forget about the little things in life that matter..
Those little things are what makes life so amazing!

I have spent almost every day of my life feeling as if I am trapped in an ordinary life..
I was not born to be ordinary, and ordinary is not who I am
I was born to be extraordinary and that is who I want to be..
Every person in this life was born to be extraordinary.
God made each and every one of us with a purpose and a plan--

I have always had issues with deciding my career choice.
5 college years later..I still am doubting the route that I have taken.
I finally came to the conclusion that maybe I wasn't meant to do just one thing.
Maybe God gave me the desires to do so much more with my life, because that is what I am going to do.
I have never seen myself settling down with just one career and doing that for the rest of my life.
That's a lot of time spent on one thing, when the world has so much more to offer.
I don't like doing the same things over and over again..
Why live the same day twice?
We aren't guaranteed forever, and I don't plan to live my life just thinking of all the things I want to do..
I am going to do them!
It wasn't until recently when God woke me up and told me to stop being so lazy..
He showed me that just dreaming, or thinking of all the things that I want to do isn't enough.
I have to get my BUTT..and do them!!
I can't just keep sitting back and thinking of the person I want to be...I need to get up every day and BE the person who I want to be..
Tomorrow doesn't even exist yet, all we have is today..
Time passes so fast and I don't want to live another day regretting what I didn't do..
I want to live a life of inspiration and bring hope to those who need it.

"We were created to make someone else's life better" 

<3 Shay