Monday, June 2, 2014


Live an inspired life! #Free2Luv ♥
Ever since I was a young girl I have constantly felt like I was a free spirit...a gypsy soul trapped in an ordinary life..
Even as a little girl I felt misunderstood.
Life always seemed so predictable and dull to the people around me..
No one in my life made me feel inspired or excited to dream.
As a young girl, gosh even as a young adult...dreaming meant the world to me.
It gave me a sense of hope..
Hope that "One day" I will actually be able to wake up, live, and actually follow my heart into the life that I was made to live.
I've always been a big dreamer..there's nothing wrong with that right?
Well...according to a lot of the people in my life, dreams as big as mine...don't come true.
Especially for people who are from in this town just stays the same.
Things aren't exciting here, and not a lot of people like change.
Me...I love change.
Even though I am a worrier...I still do truly love not knowing what tomorrow may bring.
It's so exciting to think that anything can happen, for the good. 
If every person went to bed at night thinking..."What difference can I make in one person's life tomorrow?"...and actually did it- the world would be a different place.
I just don't believe that we are here to just exist..we are here to change the world and to really LIVE life.
We aren't here to just build fancy houses, buy lots of things to put in them, get married, have kids, and eventually pass on...
we are here to wake up and live..
I feel as if so many people forget about the little things in life that matter..
Those little things are what makes life so amazing!

I have spent almost every day of my life feeling as if I am trapped in an ordinary life..
I was not born to be ordinary, and ordinary is not who I am
I was born to be extraordinary and that is who I want to be..
Every person in this life was born to be extraordinary.
God made each and every one of us with a purpose and a plan--

I have always had issues with deciding my career choice.
5 college years later..I still am doubting the route that I have taken.
I finally came to the conclusion that maybe I wasn't meant to do just one thing.
Maybe God gave me the desires to do so much more with my life, because that is what I am going to do.
I have never seen myself settling down with just one career and doing that for the rest of my life.
That's a lot of time spent on one thing, when the world has so much more to offer.
I don't like doing the same things over and over again..
Why live the same day twice?
We aren't guaranteed forever, and I don't plan to live my life just thinking of all the things I want to do..
I am going to do them!
It wasn't until recently when God woke me up and told me to stop being so lazy..
He showed me that just dreaming, or thinking of all the things that I want to do isn't enough.
I have to get my BUTT..and do them!!
I can't just keep sitting back and thinking of the person I want to be...I need to get up every day and BE the person who I want to be..
Tomorrow doesn't even exist yet, all we have is today..
Time passes so fast and I don't want to live another day regretting what I didn't do..
I want to live a life of inspiration and bring hope to those who need it.

"We were created to make someone else's life better" 

<3 Shay

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