Wednesday, April 23, 2014

10 Things I Believe..

"Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen"
10 Things I believe..
1. God
-Having faith in God and trusting that he is with me at all times is very important to me. I have always had Faith that God is real. I try to always put him first in my life. It's not always easy, but in the long run having a relationship with him is ultimately the most important. 
2. Myself
-I have always been a very independent person. I've relied on myself for so many things in my life. It has not always been easy and sometimes I have gotten stuck in a rut or felt like a failure. Ultimately, aside from God, the only person I can truly count myself. I have a hard time trusting others to always be there for me, tell me the truth, and to be a faithful friend/lover. Even through the hard times, I always try to keep my head up and believe in myself. I believe that I can do anything I put my mind to. 
3. True Love
-Even though I have yet to find true love, I believe that it exists. I've seen love come and go, I've watched people fall in love, and I've watched people fall out love. Both are easy to do. It may not always be easy to see that True love is out there, but it takes faith. I believe in love even though i'm alone.
"Love doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be true"
4. Laughter is the best therapy..
-No matter how crappy my day is, laughing at something ridiculously stupid makes me feel so much better. I love having family and friends who I can laugh with..or at :) Ha! But seriously when I am in a rut, laughing makes me feel so much better. I can't stand to have negative feelings in my life, so eliminate them with laughter. It truly is the best medicine.
5. Good in the world..
-We live in a world with all sorts of negative things; death, depression, suicide, war, racism, etc. It is sad to see, but yet aside from all the bad, there is also good.
"Give me hope in the darkness that I will see the light"
I always try to see the best in's just better that way.
6. Following you dreams..
-I have and always will believe in following your dreams. It is very important to always pursue the things that you love. It is never too late to do what you have always wanted to do. Even the biggest, most bazaar dreams CAN come true. Great people do great things every day. Even people from the smallest towns, people who come from nothing, and people who have failed multiple times, can achieve their greatest dreams. Drive, dedication, and perseverance is what it takes to get there...don't ever give up on your dreams.
7. Miracles..
-I believe that miracles happen every day. A child born every day is the most common miracle. So many people take for granted their children and truly how much of a miracle they are. I think that faith and lots and lots of prayer can bring miracles to life. If you just believe and have faith that God will strengthen you, heal you, save you from the mess you're in...he will.
8. Everything happens for a reason..
-I think that God has a plan for each and every one of us. I think that God's plan is to prosperous us and make our lives great. Every person goes through struggles and every one faces challenges. Those are hard and can bring us down, but they can also make us stronger and into a better person. Even though I have faced struggles in my life that at the time I felt like it was the end of the world, I wouldn't take them back. Those struggles have molded me and shaped me into the woman that I am today. God doesn't give me anything I can't handle..
9. Mother's are the strongest people in the world..
-I cannot imagine what it feels like to be a mother..what an amazing, wonderful, fearful, scary, unimaginable thing in this world. A mother not only sacrifices her body to bear her child, but also she gives up her entire life to tend to that child. Literally, a mother changes her whole life to love her child. She gives up her independence, her peace of mind, sleep, and sometimes her sanity to become a mother. No matter old her child may get, that woman never stops being a mother. No person worries, cares, or loves more than a mother..
10. In the person I want to become..
-Everyone has a vision of the person they want to be..I feel like everyone is trying to become their ideal self. I am for the most part happy with who I am, but yet I am still trying to be someone better. I think every one has room for improvement, including myself. There are places I want to see, people I want to meet, things I want to do, and things I want to say to people that I have never told before. I have the same vision of myself that I have had since I was a little girl. I will become that person that I've always wanted to be..

"She believed she she did"
<3 Shay

Thursday, April 3, 2014

How do you find your true calling?

Figuring out what you want to do with your life can be one of the hardest decisons a person can make..
For me, i'm still deciding..
Overrall i know that i want to help others..right now i am working directly with women and children who have been involved in any type of domestic violence or homeless situation. I travel to the local schools to talk to the students about respect, decision making, bullying, conflict resolution, etc.
I absolutely love my job that i have right now..not only am i teaching, i am also working one on one with children and counseling them
I love working with children and helping them to make sense of this crazy life they are living in..
Aside from my job that i love, I have had a desire to travel since i was a young child..
Not just travel, but travel to help others get closer to God
I want to see the world..every bit of it
Traveling is my passion; i have such a longing to see the world and meet all of the amazing people in it
I love culture..and actually learning the details of the cultures in this world do you find what is you are meant to do with your life?
1. Know yourself well: understand the package that you are, the weakness, strengths, likes, dislikes, talents, faults.
2. Get some good advice: what's out there?
3. Experiment, experiment, experiment: keep on trying different things until you find what really feels right for you.
4. Develop a thicker skin so you can turn rejection into experience.
5. Find a mentor or role model.
6. Do what you love to do. If you can't, make what you're doing a strategy to get you doing what you want to do.
7. Have a realistic game plan and stick to it, no matter who or what says you can't.
8. Prioritize
9. Be yourself
by: -Anthea Paul-

Find your passion and let it be your calling..
<3 Shay

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Pre-mature Summer post..

First I would like to acknowledge how happy I am that Spring is finally here! As beautiful as the glistening snow was, I've never been happier to see a brown ground before. Spring to me, only exists for a short time. I am extremely pre-mature when it comes to Summer, so i automatically just skip spring and head for my favorite season..And it will be here before we know it!
 Not only does Summer bring fresh smells, sun shine, warm air, tan skin, bon fires, flippers, and less also brings up old memories. Summers have and will always be known for...yes I am going to say it; love. 
Oh summer just might possibly be one of the best kinds of loves to experience. The first time i get a whiff of that fresh spring air, all kinds of emotions start rushing in. Spring and summer bring me some of the happiest and best times of my life. Memories though, they come creeping back real quick.
The What If's are always hard to let go. Even without going into detail, I know you all know exactly what I mean. As much as everyone tries to move forward and "let go" of the past...we all have those days where the past comes creeping back in. You know those days when you just don't feel yourself, your mind is cloudy, and you just can't escape that love-sick radio. Those days are the's not even like you want to feel that way, it just happens..
Of course, being the girl that I am...I watched "The Notebook" the other day. Well I barely "watched" it. Shoot I couldn't even get through the happy part without crying (WAH!) Anyway...I did happen to catch this...
"Summer romances begin for all kind of reasons. 
But when all is said and done, they all have one thing in common..
they are shooting stars, a spectacular moment of light in the heavens; 
a fleeting glimpse of eternity..and in a flash, they are gone" 

I couldn't have said it better myself..even though summer romances are exhilerating and spectacular, they also don't last forever. With that being me and all of you readers, this summer--challenge yourself. Do this summer better than any summer you have done before; it's just around the corner.
Take a hike, walk more, travel, meet new friends, find new love, roll your windows down and just cruise...